Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Here Ya Go Laney (And Anyone Else Curious)

Dear Layne (& et. al.),

...no, not really. But I loved all the questions. Made me feel like she was there next to me. Honest, for a second I could almost imagine being back behind the wheel of a Mercury Tracer trying to sing Barenaked Ladies with the guys in the back while Laney asks a million questions and feeds me french fries on our way to Shine Choir. We're running late, of course.

They hate that.

Ok, let's see if I can clear up the questions.

We're breaking contract, plain and simple. That means no bonus or airfare home. It's a considerable chunk of change- around $6k- but they can keep it. This place has taken 1st place as job I liked the least, and when you've got a resume as long as mine (read: novel), that's saying something.

Actually, with exchange rate the number is lower, but that's another tale.

The idea is that we are not losing all of it, we're just earning it later. That's why we're swinging back up to Korea in July. We will do it legally, of course, because I'm not the type to break rules. Even if those rules are pointless bureaucracy that is obviously lining the pockets of some not-so-nice people, but is full of loopholes that people take advantage of all the time. Never that.

But there are a lot of camps in mid-July, many of which will let us earn two months salary-each- in about 3 weeks. We've also got some really good connections. I am certain that the camps will be a God-awful experience, but after some time on the beach I feel like I can handle a three week cannonball run.

Despite the breaking contract, though, we've given Plus Academy almost a full month notice, and there isn't much that they can do by way of retaliation, even if they were so inclined. I don't think they are. I think a part of them will be glad to see my backside, and not just for the obvious reasons everyone does.

(Insert obvious joke here)

As to the money and the traveling:

Our plan is pretty much figured out now. We're flying from Seoul into Bangkok, Thailand. From there we'll follow the peninsula down into Malaysia, and then catch a ferry into Indonesia. Indonesia's long string of islands stretch all the way to Darwin, Australia. There's a well worn path from previous backpackers, we'll hardly be blazing new trails with it. Once we get to Australia we'll be on a "Working Holiday" visa, which allows us to do any temp work we can find.

Little known fact: the principle job for Americans (& Canadians) in Australia is... fruit picking. That's right. When Americans go to Australia, they're the Mexicans. Now THAT'S irony.

Yes, we're planning on picking fruit. You can clear $200 AUD a day, and you only work as long as you want. So if you make the money you want by 2pm, you can go home. We also have a couple friends with an apartment that have offered floor space, so there ya go.

Now some of you are no doubt wondering, "Al, are you telling me Plus is so bad you'd chance thousands of dollars and/or pick fruit instead?"

Why yes, yes we would. Gladly.

Honestly, it isn't as bad as it sounds. We'll be doing the same thing we've watched dozens of people do. We came to Korea with certain goals, and we'll clear them as much as is reasonable, but among the most important was the backpacking. Our itinerary includes- I'm not making this up- seeing Komodo dragons, visiting an orangutan sanctuary, and a sunrise hike up a volcano. That's just Indonesia. I'm riding an elephant in the jungle, folks. Count on it.

Ok, don't. That's a silly thing to count on.

The blogs will be as often as I'm able, Internet cafes are pretty common, I'm hearing, but we'll see how it actually works out. Our departure date is February 9th-ish (read: NOT SOON ENOUGH), and we're running around like crazy trying to get ready.

FYI- Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and the Philippines are still on the docket, not to mention Hong Kong and Macao if we can make it work. Just too many variables at the moment.

Ok, I'm outta time. More as we draw near, I'll try to get you some more photos soon too.



Irish Blessings said...

I rode on an elephant! It was fun. You're really high and you sway back and forth. Heh, like any animal, but it was a lot of fun! How many people can say that they rode on the back of an elephant??

Sounds like you've got it all planned, which is great! For the most part anyways. Kudos! People I have talked to are worried for you as well as I, but all our worries are being sent straight up, and you know they'll be in good hands, so you will be in good hands.

You should so write a book about your(s) journey! I bet it'd be really interesting.... and just think, it's only half way over!

Go you guys, you're traveling, oh yeah, go you!

Anonymous said...

Wow... you two are quite brave. It will surely be an adventure, to say the least. Just take care of each other and be happy... that's what is honestly important. Make sure you are putting His will first, not your own. And then come home to the rest of us... we miss you. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Al & Jen,
I'll tell you something I've told all my kids; 'Don't try to force it if it's not going smoothly'.
Remember that. Until your next blog.........

Layne said...

Feeding you french fries whilst you scared the life outta me. . . ::cough:: I mean drove us around in high school. Now that's a memory. :-)

Anyway, you know I'm the OCD, have- a-million-questions, plan-everything-out girl. I'm watching out for you. It's why to love me. Even though sometimes you laugh at me and refuse to explain yourself . .

Anyway, thanks for indulging me this time. And I'm seriously hoping that the fact that you misspelled my name TWICE ("Laney" . . . seriously??) is only because you are choosing to spell out my nickname. Rather than because you actually don't know how to spell my name. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here, especially since you got it right once. But if I find out otherwise, I may have to hurt you a little. And I can do it too, even from across the world. ;-)


Randi said...

hello! i randomly found your blog while playing around on blogger (i just joined) and wanted to give you a tip:

work for a public school in jeollanamdo! (korea of course)

my husband and i got our jobs through this recruiter:

we worked at a hagwon before, hated it and left early as you have. but we loved these public school jobs so much more we're starting our 3rd year (here in mokpo) in april.

if you're looking to come back to korea around july there's an orientation through canadian connection in august.

good luck! - randi