Yup, I'm serious.
No, we're not coming home early.
I feel a little guilty, actually. I don't have a horror story. I was paid on time, nothing was stolen, there was no God awful blowout (yet). It was just a gradual wearing down of our patience and the slow sucking of everything that made it worth while to work there.
But the logistics:
Our last day of classes will be January 30th. We'll leave Korea sometime in the beginning of February and head to one of two places: either overland through China and into Vietnam, or possibly via air into Bangkok. We're weighing pros and cons, looking into costs, visa issues, etc.
The plan, though, is to wander from February until about June, then come back to Korea and work a little longer. There are several short term camps that pay really well. We won't make as much as we wanted, but it should work out to us coming home with around $15,000 in the bank, assuming the exchange rate will be nice to us. Not a bad haul, all told.
UPDATE: Bangkok is looking a whole lot more likely. It's the place to begin backpacking for most travelers, and there is a lot more support for rookies such as ourselves. It also doesn't require a visa, which is huge seeing as both China and Vietnam do. The process for those visas is around $600 and several weeks. Not gonna work out.
I will say that we're not leaving because of Korea itself. We really enjoy the country, the people, even the whole big city vibe is nice in a "I'd Never Do This Permanently" kinda way. And the other people we've met... I can't say enough about them. They're some of the most remarkable people I've ever met. They've changed our lives in so short a time. I truly hope and pray that at least a few of them find their way down to Orlando so you all can meet them.
But you're probably looking for a little more back story.
It's been a long time coming, actually. We've been watching our workload ramp up and the attitude of the hagwon tank. They constantly are asking more and more of us with the expectation that we'll gladly take whatever they hand us. It's not unusual for a hagwon, but it's really getting old. So Jen and I have been exploring ways to leave PLUS and stay in Korea until the end of April, like we'd originally planned. There isn't a legal way to do it. And while, granted, that hardly stops me under most circumstances, this time it was playing with fire a little more than I was willing to do. So we decided to just suck it up and deal.
Then came Monday morning. Jen was suppose to start Muay Thai with me. My attendance had fallen off due to sickness at first, then afterwards I wasn't really sure why. Well, we overslept Monday, and rather than be upset I was just... blah. I hopped in the shower, and I really started thinking about all of it. It was then I just about cracked. I had to accept that I hated this job. I tried to deal, to suck it up, but I just hated it. It wasn't about homesickness, money, or anything like that. I just hated the job. It was taking the excitement out of everything else I was doing. I felt like this years ago when working for Fazoli's at the tender age of 16. I got to this point, and I quit. And I promised myself I'd never get to this point again. I wouldn't let work suck the joy out of my life, not if I had any other options. Which, of course, I do.
Truth be told, Jen probably would have stuck it out. She'd have been a bitter bitter woman, but she'd say it was worth it for the money. That's why she's in charge of the finances. But when we talked she saw how I was feeling and agreed. To be honest, I think it will be better for Jen, too.
We are praying constantly for guidance and direction. There's a lot to do, and not much time. But the Good Lord has been keeping a sharp eye on us all this time, and I'm certain he will now too. He likes Jen, after all....
More updates as I have them. Please know that we love and miss you all more than we can say. We do ask for your prayers as we try to plan this next step. I know what they say about God and plans, but He'll have to forgive me this one...
-Al & Jen
P.S. A note of irony: I applied for two different positions at the YMCA the same night we told PLUS we quit. Ha!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
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What can be said?
How about....Come Home.
You knew that was coming.
The Lord will take you where He wants you. No matter what Mama or anyone, including you, wants. Keep the faith. Enjoy the ride!
I know (hope) that you stuck it out as long as you could. And knowing Jen I bet you guys did! Who could blame you for being treated like a puppet. No one likes that.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
I know you will be safe. Keep us posted with an address so that we may send you tylenol if you need it! Lol.
Wow! First, you suck for not coming home. I hope you know I'm taking this personally! :-)
Now that that's out. Being my anal self, I have questions. . .like, Isn't there a penalty for leaving PLUS early? Will they still pay for your flight back to the States? What is it about staying in Korea that is illegal? And if you can't stay there, how can you come back and work there before coming back home? What will you do in Korea for money before you go back home? How are you not going to burn through all your money by traveling all over Europe and Asia for 5 months?
Mind you, I am completely confident that you ::cough:: Jenn ::cough:: have a well thought-out plan for all this. But again, I'm anal and nosey so I'm asking for details!
Meanwhile, my last day at my mind-numbingly horrific job is also January 30th. Thank God for small miracles. And considering how much I hated it (LONG story, read my blog if you don't know why) and what I'm giving up by leaving, I'm the last one who will tell you and Jenn to stay. be happy and take care of each other.
Yeah, what Layne said.....
Sounds like you and Jen are going to have one heck of an adventure on your hands come next month.
Remember you have people that love and care about you back in the States. Be safe and keep in touch. While I am more than willing to hop a plan and start WWIII in the Far East, I'm praying it doesn't come to that. lol
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