This is it. This is what we hiked 14k- that's 8.69 miles people- to see. Can we talk about this for a second?
I'm not "fit". I don't "exercise", or "take care of my body". I have been told I have "cholesterol problems", and that I am "obese". I'm not arguing any of these points. But 14k? People train for a really long time to do this kinda thing. What the hell were we thinking?
But this isn't about whether we "should have" attempted a 14k hike through a Thai jungle in the mountains. It's not about whether we were "prepared" with things like "water", or "food". It's about the waterfall.
I mean, come on people. It's pretty. It is. But that does not justify 14k.
See this?
We followed a sidewalk about a quarter mile, and boom. Beautiful waterfall. Why did I hike 14k to get something so much lamer? (lamer? more lame? not the point...)
My next issue is the "path". I don't know if you can tell, but this is a treacherous trail, roughly a foot wide, wrapping around the side of a mountain. It's also, just to keep it interesting, strewn with roots, large rocks, and leaves that conceal where the "path" has decided that 12 inches is just making it too easy and decided to shave a little off the sides.
All of this at a 45 degree angle.
Amongst backpackers this kind of thing is among the most popular things to do. They call it "trekking". I call it "stupid". And now that I officially have a full blown trek under my belt I intend to never ever do it again.
...except for this spot in Indonesia, where you catch the sunrise from the top of a volcano. That actually catches my interest. I hate it, I really do, but come on... it's a volcano at sunrise.
No word yet on whether sunset is also an option.
Random Quote:
Al (discussing American football): Do you know who the quarterback is?
Angel, the South African model: Of course I do. The quarterback is the cute boy in the movies.
Gotta love it.
Let's talk bad ideas.
Ok, hint: It's not sunset on an idyllic island off the coast of Northern Thailand. I'll give half credit if you said my choice to rock the sleeveless shirt, the arms are a bit flabby, I know, but it's just so damn comfortable that I can't make myself care.
If you thought "Holy crap!!! Who the hell gave Al the keys to ANYTHING with two wheels and an engine? And what made Jen get on the back? Is she %&^#@ crazy!?!? And, for the love of all that is holy, WHY AREN'T THEY WEARING HELMETS?" Then I'd say, "Whoa, whoa, calm down there Mr./Ms./Mrs. Freakypants. There's nothing to be concerned about. We took the helmets off for the picture. They're clearly sitting in the little basket on the front.
Ok, wanna see a worse idea?
That's right. Not only did I learn to drive this thing in a foreign country at the same time I learned to drive on the left side of the road for the first time, a few days later I taught Jen. Ha! We're wacky.
Time to talk toilets people.
Now this, you spoiled Americans, is a standard western toilet. See if you can figure out what's a little off by the time we come back to it.
This beauty is the standard around much of Southeast Asia. Notice that while it does have the beginnings of a Western toilet, it's missing something. Not the seat- well, ok, yes, the seat, but that's because this was a bus transfer stop. Not even a bus station- this is where you waited after you rode your first bus to ride the second bus. Point is, most have seats.
The thing that's missing is the big tank that assists in the flushing. Sans that, we instead use that big black garbage can with the pretty pink bowl. The garbage can is filled with water, and you use the pink bowel to pour it into the toilet, and the water pressure causes a flush. Sort of. As the sign in the corner indicates, toilet paper doesn't go in the toilet.
But if you wander a bit into the sticks, or just happen to guess wrong, you get one of these bad boys.
Say hello to the squatter. The physics of these gets a little graphic, but you get the idea. Not fun. These also come in the "pour bucket" variety for those who want the joys of trying to do their thing in the woods, but with a much more disgusting smell and less hygiene. They were also really popular in Seoul. No idea why.
Speaking of graphic...
Don't feel bad if you didn't catch it- notice the lack of toilet paper? How about the spray hose on the wall? Yup.
I haven't the foggiest idea how in the WORLD that's suppose to work. But it's what the natives do. I know what you're thinking. No, I haven't tried. And yes, I'll ask. I just have to find someone who speaks English well enough to explain, and won't be totally embarrassed at telling me. I probably won't post the answer, though. It just can't be good.
Ok, running out of time here. But guess what I got?
SIGN TIME!!!! It's not just for Korea anymore.
These dotted the trail to our less than ideal waterfall. And sure, the trail after these were places where injury wasn't just possible, it was likely, but looking at it I kept feeling like that guy was having way more fun than me...
We'll be in Malaysia in about 2 days. More to come!
-Al & Jen
Friday, February 20, 2009
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We love the pics guys. Esther thinks you should be an author. Dear God, I hope you are keeping a journal. Because by the time you are forty, you will be able to print and sell your memories. The way you write, you take us there. Almost like a drunken ride with a racecar driver. It's a good thing.
You know where they have good toilets? America. That's where. Almost all of them offer some form of paper, however the hygiene is questionable at most public stalls. But when you gotta go......
I second Andy and Esther. Hope you're keeping some kind of journal. It just keeps getting better.
So... your 14k trek proved an old adage. The strong man climbs the mountain, the weak walks around it. The truly wise man rides the ass all the way!
Ah... third world country bathrooms. Makes squatting in the woods seem like a good idea doesn't it? This is a good experience for the two of you... as America might look like this when you get back. The idiots that have been elected into power are spending and taxing us into oblivion.
Stay safe!
Ok, I'm not going into politics.....ugh.
As for the spray with the toilets, use your imagination. AND.....when Jen becomes a mom, she'll know exactly how to use one of those in the futre. Sadly, I know how to use it. I'll explain it to you if you wish.
Al and Jen have "treked". You're so cute. I call it a wonderful life, what you call stupid. That's ok, I'll point you in the direction of the lift on the otherside of the mountin!
That pic of you and Jen with the scooter made me laugh. Poor Jen looks like she's having difficulty and you're standing there trying to give her directions without touching. Hee hee, go Jen!
Take care you two!
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