So we just had a big meeting where they announced a huge overhaul of our schedule. More stuff coming down from our new parent company.
Here's the dilemma I'm facing.
I have a contract. I have obligations under this contract. However, I was lied to prior to signing the contract, and my employer has not always done their part of the deal. However, they corrected the problems, albeit only after being caught and chaos erupting. Now they're staying within the bounds of the contract, but it's possible (read: definitely) going to end with us getting some less than ideal treatment.
How obligated am I to follow keep up my end of the bargain?
Normally, I'd say quit, then the contract doesn't matter. Not that easy out here, however. We're in the home stretch, and if we can put up with this for 5 months we'll be netting a sizable amount of scratch for our considerable trouble...
I'm frustrated because I know what's going to happen, and no one, not the Koreans, not the foreign teachers, no one, will listen to a damn word I've got to say. Since being here I've been stabbed in the back multiple times, and left swinging in the wind more than once as well. This place has managed to surpass the YMCA as of this afternoon.
Scratch that: My amazing wife, of course, listens to me. But that doesn't really count since she knew it too. And no, they don't listen to her either. Morons.
But back to the contract: I'm betting most of you would say that I wasn't obligated to follow a contract I signed under false pretenses that my employer already broke. However, Jen and I seem to be the only ones out here who feel this way. The other foreign teachers don't see a problem. They're actually getting a little annoyed that I do have a problem with it. But Jen and I trying to fight this battle solo is a lost cause.
The other option is to just start doing a half-assed job. It's what several of my nearest and dearest friends would do. I'm leaning that way, but my folks instilled this "work ethic" thing in me, and I can only slack so far.
Where's my Johnny Paycheck CD?
I love Korea. I love a lot of the people I've met. But good Lord almighty, I'm hating this job....
In the end, we'll have to wait until the 1st of the year (when all the changes take effect) and see how it looks. I could be wrong. It could all work out. It could also start raining $100 bills. I could also decide I could do better than Jen. All of these things have an equal chance of happening. Brad told me it was called 'Relative Zero'
NOTE: If it does work out, I'm still staying with Jen. Mom, calm down. Boys, sit down. She's still mine.
Sorry it wasn't a happy blog. But I've been saving a very special
for just such an occasion.
Don't know if you're school in Gwangju is looking for 2 teachers to start sometime in late December. It's been decent so far, we've only been here a month now. Everything seems kosher so far.
Drop me a line if you want more info. They could probably do a 6 month contract.
Remember, you are not in America (like you could forget). Perhaps contractual obligations are not seen there as they are here. As Capt. Barbossa said (and I paraphrase) "It's more of a guideline, than rules"
You'll be fine. "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face", as my mama would say. It has been my experience, watching you through the years, that you can fall in a pile of s*it and come up smelling like a rose. I mean, look at the rose you married!
I agree with Jeanie. You're not in America any more. I'm sorry, but they do not share the same ethics that we do. Stick with it, I know you're better than them!
Dave and Scott say HI!
.....and it came to pass.
I agree. with your mom and Laura... dont come back missing any fingers... and that sign was disturbing as hell.
love you dude.
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