So there's not a ton to report, but it is Wednesday, so I feel like I should provide an update as long as I'm rocking this huge weekly break. We attended a Shutter Shade Party last weekend. I looked awesome, obviously, but Jen wasn't looking to bad herself. Note how both of us made sure to match our shades with our clothes.
Alright, not match, but there's purple in my shirt. I promise. The part was good times. And because you've been really good little blog readers, I'll even add some more pics. I know, I know... you're welcome.
This is Norman and Jess, rocking the shades.
This is Brendan and Tienne. Brendan is taking Dave's roll for me while I'm in Korea. He's adorable. Tienne may actually enjoy shopping more than Jen, but how can we actually ever determine something like that? I mean, we're only here for a year.
This is a cute little boy outside the restaurant rockin the shades. Good Lord, the girls we were with loved this kid. Dad and dad's friend better have taken him out for ice cream, that's all I've got to say.
Also, and I'm very excited about this, it looks like I'll be a part of a traditional Korean wedding this weekend!! A friend of mine was asked by a Korean friend of his to help him find folks to help out, and he chose me. No, not as a DJ. Turns out in some traditional circles it is custom for the bride to be carried in on a type of Korean litter called a gama. You can read more about them here. But be careful, I used Wikipedia, so it's obviously wrong.
Basically, it's a chair with really big handles that people carry you in. It's right up my alley- all I gotta do is show up and carry heavy stuff for a little bit. Jen's snagged an invite to. I tried to explain that since I was the reason she got to go, she should have to carry me around in one. She pointed out that it takes 4 people to carry one, or in my case 16, and she couldn't do it by herself. I countered with a piggy back ride to the kitchen. She refused. Selfish, I say... lazy and selfish...
I'll make sure she takes a lot of pictures, at least. It's a really cool opportunity to see a side of the culture that it doesn't mention in the guidebooks, and to be honest I'm actually quite honored. There was talk of getting to wear a hangbuk, a traditional Korean outfit now only worn for special occasions, but no dice. All the same, it should be really cool.
Alright, so the part that's not so cool...
The Shutter Shades Party almost didn't happen. Sarah, who arrived with her friend Rob around a month ago, was helping to host this as a going away party for Laura, another friend. Unfortunately, Sarah had a death in the family and was on a plane less than 12 hours after the phone call. She's made it home safe, but obviously the tough part is just beginning. It got me thinking, and we all know how that goes...
See, folks average a year out here. Some stay longer, marry into the culture, etc. but some end up leaving early. Some due to tragedy, some because they always planned to, and some just don't have the stones to survive in a culture so drastically different. But the thing is I can't help but meet some of the coolest people out here. Like Laura.
But hey, that's the way it goes. The good news is that we knew them at all. Besides, Lord knows I've already had crazier things happen than to have my path cross again with some of these folks. It's just the nature of the beast.
But I don't want to end on a down note. Jen and I are doing really well. Jen's got a big girls night as we bid a fond farewell to a few more folks- along with their good bye parties this weekend. So tons of pics for you next week!!
ALSO!!!!!!! A HUGE thank you to Laura Scully, Jen White-Castle, and my mom. The letters showed up yesterday, and it took about a week. For anyone else who might drop a line, add the zip code 136-813 to the very end of the address, just like you would on local mail. It looks like it takes about 2 weeks for stuff to arrive, but it makes it, so we're thrilled.
Anyone else willing to drop a line, please do!! Even short notes scribbled on cocktail napkins are wonderful. Heck, that was how I proposed to Jen, and it worked! Gotta love antibiotic side effects.
Final note- Jen and I have officially registered to vote for the presidential election. The one in the US, I mean. Point is, if we can do it from the opposite side of the planet, you can do it from home. NO EXCUSES. Vote or die!!
-Al (& Jen!)
See... THIS is why we still have an electoral college. People like Al are voting!
Be afraid......
Regarding Goodbyes;
Tis better to have loved and lost, etc., etc., etc. 40 year friendships are hard! And worth it! You two should pursue that friendship. Love ain't nothing to lose without a fight!
Regarding Shutter Shades;
I Want A Pair! Besides that, I wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, etc., etc., etc.
Regarding Gamas;
Doesn't it just Scream "Worship Me, you mere mortals!" Which explains why Al would want one. ;)
Regarding Mail;
"Mr. Postman look and see, if there's a letter in your bag for me....." Sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm gonna send you a cocktail napkin, I swear!
Regarding Absentee Ballots;
Rock the Vote!!!!
See, that just shows that girls named Laura rock and we are loved at first sight! Sorry, couldn't resist. Look at it this way. You were meant to meet and that it has had an impact on both your lives (hopefully for a good reason!).
I want a shades party.....
And you know what you have to do must now stay the whole year! You just have to!
love you guys.... more mail will follow....
hey guys I miss you guys terribly over here! I will show matt the photo. I will also tell him you said hello. good for you for voting, man...Its no surprise, I just want it to be noted that it is quite a task I'm sure to get registered to vote all the way in SK. as you probably guessed, I put off sending you guys stuff, I may do it sometime later but I always get distracted... dont judge me al, it happens to you constantly... and with phone calls!!! not even mail! anyway, hurricane season isnt the same without you guys. love you guys and who knows, maybe I'll make it out there at some point. cya!
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